Annual European Bioinformatics Core Community (AEBC2)


Community-driven exchange on science and operations in bioinformatics core facilities across Europe.

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The AEBC2 has been established in 2016. Its workshop is intended as a yearly meeting of European bioinformatics core facilities, covering all aspects scientific and operative.

Next AEBC2 Event

This year our workshop will be happening at Personalized Health Technologies 2024 on 26th of August in Zurich, Switzerland.

Call for Abstracts

Submit your abstract for a contributed talk by sending e-mail to by 30th of June 2024.

Abstract towards contributed talks within the scope of the workshop goals are welcome. Selection will be done by the AEBC2 organization committee.


Registration for PHT 2024 has opened!

AEBC2 will be available as a workshop for all participants of PHT 2024 at an additional fee of CHF 40, including coffee breaks and lunch.


The keynote presentation will be given by Martin Fergie, PhD of the University of Manchester. He is a machine learning and computer vision researcher in the Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Sciences. His research interests are focussed on using machine learning models to predict disease outcomes from medical imaging data. Key projects include: predicting breast cancer risk from screening mammograms; predicting clinical outcomes for cancer using multiplex immunofluorescence tissue imaging.

Martin Fergie

The program will be extended continously.

When What Who
09:00 Welcome address Daniel Stekhoven, ETH Zurich
09:15 Spatial Analysis of Multiplex Immunofluorescence Images for Outcome Prediction Martin Fergie, University of Manchester
10:00 Clinical decision support systems in precision medicine Nadine S. Kurz, University Medical Center Göttingen
10:30 Coffee break  
11:00 DISSCOvery - a single-cell omics analysis pipeline Asier Antoranz Martinez, KU Leuven Institute for Single Cell Omics
11:30 Open discussion participants
12:00 Be part - call AEBC2 organisers
12:30 Lunch break ETH Zurich
13:30 Work in topical groups participants
15:00 Coffee break ETH Zurich
15:30 Group presentations participants
16:15 Closing remarks Daniel Stekhoven, ETH Zurich

The workshop will be finishing by 16:30 enabling everyone to be ready for the Welcome Reception of PHT 2024 at 18:30.


As part of the PHT 2024 conference and by nature of our AEBC2 host NEXUS the scientific scope of the workshop will be on human health, medicine, and clinical research. Please note that as always also other topics are possible, especially on the operative/administrative side of bioinformatics core facilities.

A more prose description can be found on the PHT 2024 website.



AEBC2 2024 is organized by

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